Monday, January 15, 2024

Razorblade Tears - S. A. Cosby ---------------------- 3.5 Stars

While not on my radar, and not something I had previously come across, I was happy to take some time to read the recently released Razorblade Tears. A fairly violent read, this book had a great pace and felt like an almost new genre coming across the page.

So, to provide a bit more clarity to the last sentence, I found this book to be unique. A little background - the story is about two dads in southern Virginia whose sons are murdered. Unexpectedly, the sons of the boys are gay and different races (one black; one white). The book then brings together these fathers, both struggling to accept the identities of their sons, to team up to find the people responsible for their murders. 

The book certainly was action packed and easy to read. As I was reading the book, it reminded me of a movie playing out (after finishing, I researched and found out that there are plans to make this into a major motion picture). Besides the story being accessible and interesting, the author has a great way or building excitement and break down action packed scenes with wonderful details to make it read clearer.

What I think will also resonate with people was the diversity of the characters. Unlike so many typical action stories (especially one's from the past century), having the variety of characters was so much more interesting. Besides the race and sexual orientation elements that were through lines throughout the book, characters also include a transgender person and someone adopted. And, the identifies of these people, while noteworthy, were secondary storylines for their characters.

As much as I enjoyed this book, I am not sure it's for everyone. Again, the more modern storylines stood out but what was most noteworthy were the really specific, and on occasion, excessive details of violence. Kidnapping, torture, murder, arson, etc. were commonplace throughout the novel. 

Again, I really had not read a book like this before. While it's both a thriller and crime novel, the Southern element is distinct, along with the diversity or characters. I really enjoyed the social commentary throughout the book and the emotional journey that bother fathers go in, is something memorable. I also am looking forward to seeing it turn into a movie. As it was a richly detailed book, I can already see in my mind who I think would work well in the main roles. 

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